Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Well the Long And Winding Road Ahead Beckons Mon Braves

I see no moose - the long & winding road
Well its over 40 years since the Swedes switched to the right and can you imagine the insurance bill for the first few years? Ive just got back from Spain and managed to drive consistently on the right so hoping that the omens are good for next month.
Yes, its finally happening and I'm starting to check the car over and get my "what to take" list sorted with wine boxes at  the very top of this having just found out that lager is a tenner a pop in Gothenberg tho knowing my corespondent this could have be in one of those dodgy bars he frequents.
Returning from a short drive recently I decided to try the switch for the manual cooling fan and zilch
happened. Fuse seemed OK then later my wife reported a loud roar from the garage where the Marlin (stone cold) was growling away with the fan going despite the pull switch being off. Sounds like  a dodgy relay?
She does keep remarkably cool it sems when compared to my old B series engined Roadster but the crap weather has helped obviously and it was only just a random thought that had me checking it out so I'm glad I did rather than await a hold up on the M25 to boil up.
She is going into my pals garage next week for a once over and a thermo switctch fitting and Ive also noticed a bit of wheel wobble that I could do without when touring
As ever , best get these jobs sorted now rather than a week before you go so do get fettling folks!
I'm still trying to get to grips with Sweden but am relieved that English is commonly spoken as I think I would struggle given the following linguistic insights:
The verb of gråtrunk (Swedish for 'cry-wank') is grunka. Which makes these Ikea products seem a bit
And if you think that was bad
American size 12 model Jenny Runk is the face/body of swedish H&M's swimwear collection. The spin H&M is putting on this is that she has a "normal sized body".
Which is admirable. Though it is likely to be drowned out at home by the fact that, in Swedish,
"runk" translates as "having a wank".
Yes I think I'll ditch my Swedish phrase book!

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