Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Swedish Tour 2013 - Final Planning

Yes the Final Count-Down!

Well Swedish Tour sounds very Abba esque and funnily enough a bio on the lovely Agnetha last night provided tantalising images of Sweden in the 1970's - I expect its changed a bit .........rather like Agnetha bless!

Cars are gradually being prepped and checked and some old hands have chipped in with various tips which should keep us as trouble free as is possible with our old jalopies   You learn from past expereince that obtaining a clutch cable for a Ford Sierra isnt what it was whether you ae in the UK or Sweden and a careful pre flight check can often flag up potential issues before they get to be a problem..

I had the odd leak with one from the petrol pump where it meets th eblock but all sorted now plus on efrom the  speedo drive. I also had a temperamental cooling fan switc so this is now set at 80 degrees plus  a manual override

The last job was to shift the HT coil up onto the bulkhead as itwas originally mounted very low down by the fuel pump so potentially not good for puddles!

We seem to have most bases covered though bar anything terminal like a gearbox though James has kindly offered his garage facilities at the other end.

As ever our limited luggage space will need to accomodate not only our personal gear but the usual car spares plus of course a goodly supply of food and alcohol.

So far we have myself ,Dave,John and Keith meeting north of Watford near St Albans and then we go as a mini Marlin convoy to Harwich where we will meet Sue & Rob outside the Mayflower and Lidl.

Tour Nick Names

As some nick names have emerged here are some suggestions for your perusal

Sue (Rodders)
Rob (Bobb)
Keith (Wallace)
Margaret (Grommit)
John ( Mister Brice Guy)
Dave (El Fikko)
Pete (Seaweed)
James (The Judge) Dresch

Where we are headed

Not long now !!!!

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