Friday, 21 June 2013

Yes she is all ready for the big off to the Nordic climes!

Well she's all ready and raring to go and just waiting for Dave to come up from Somerset on Saturday morning then we can gradually pick up some other waifs and strays somewhere near St Albans.The boot is bulging with spare parts and "get you home" bits and bobs which you instinctively pack when youve done a few tours. With the Berli there's still space to tuck the holdall behind the front seats so I do sympathise with the Roadster folk who have to ration what they can physically take.

I still remmeber my wife lovely wife Tina trying to smuggle a pair of trainers into the Roadster at the last minute and having to wedge them just past her ears!

I was chatting to my pal who knows his cars and he reccomends using the Super unleaded in our sort of cars as he reckons that todays unleaded is virtually two star and the modest price premium could be offset by better performance and maybe even economy.

They also found that some of the older pre-unleaded Jap performance cars really don't run at all well on Regular unleaded

I'm glad that James mentioned a 200 mile range from a 7 1/2 gallon tank as that was pretty well what I guessed I was doing at around mid/late twenties mpg. Hopefully touring in fifth gear will be a bit better especially at Swedish pump prices!

My fuel gauge is a bit flakey and never quite sure where empty realy lies so I was especially pleased to find my tripometer was working again as that gives me a rough range to work to.

All ship shape and Bristol Fashiomn - I just love those flowing lines!

Well I've attended to all the obvious stuff so now it's as ready as I can make her and there is a sense of satisfaction when taking a properly checked over and maintained car away so you dont go breaking down with something silly.

One thing I always remember is keeping an eye out for anything unusual and thats where a good sense of smell often comes in. I once had an old car start to boil up (despite the gauge saying all was fine) but because I had smelt that certain smell of hot rubber/anti freeze etc I had a peep and sorted it before terminal damage occurred.

Also when driving of it often pays to throw a rearward glance for any other leaks as an oil dip stick on the B Series engine inmy old Roadster was once not pushed fully home (by me!) and again was leaking.

Anyway Im sure we'll all have a great drive and at least if one of us has any mechanical gremlins we have a mature and experienced pit crew!

News just in from Sweden!

Sweden look set to outlaw bestiality and close the "animal didn't suffer" loophole.

Zoophiles, you have until January 1st. Phew still time then! 


Final Word

But the final word on this section of the blog must go to our generous host in Sweden, James "The Judge" Dresch who is so kindly putting us all up. We are all very grateful James and sincerely hope that your enighbours will have forgiven you by Xmas!

Hi All,

Just a last minute update before you leave. The bloody Nordic gods have made their usual botch up of the weather. I distinctly said when cremating the chateau briand that I wanted nice weather NEXT WEEK. After arguing among themselves (and not finding the original request that has probably been filed under the wrong heading) they came to the conclusion that I wanted nice weather for this week.


Proof that yes they do have (some) sun in Sweden


God Thor (who had another opinion) reacted in his usual manner (I suspect he might suffer from Tourettes syndrome) with thunder and lightning but the other gods fought back and yesterday and today we have had 25C mixed with thunder. Finally, according to the Swedish Met office, they came to an agreement of nice weather tomorrow, thunder and rain on Saturday and Sunday and to continue negotiations about the weather for the rest of the week.

The conclusion is BRING RAIN CLOTHES and brolleys! (Wimbledon weather)
Today the weather has been fantastic and all your bedding has been washed and dried in the sun. Tomorrow I will vacuum the house and clear away some of the spiders webs!

Drive carefully and welcome to Sweden!



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